Individuals accused of serious criminal infractions in Virginia face numerous different possible penalties. Sometimes, people avoid the worst-case outcome by securing a sentence of probation instead of incarceration.
Probation involves submitting to intensive court oversight for a set amount of time. Some people are subject to GPS monitoring via worn devices. Many others have restrictions imposed on their day-to-day activities. Seemingly small mistakes can potentially result in a probation violation. Those accused of violating the terms of their probation may end up serving a sentence in state custody after going back to court.
What are some of the most common probation violations reported in Virginia?
Failure to obtain or keep a job
One of the top requirements of probation is to maintain gainful employment. Sometimes, those with a recent conviction on their record may struggle to obtain job opportunities. Some people lose their jobs specifically because of criminal convictions. Others may have a hard time acquiring or keeping a job following a conviction. People on probation who lose their jobs and do not obtain new employment quickly might be vulnerable to additional penalties.
Impairment caused by drugs or alcohol
Frequently, probation restrictions include limitations on the consumption of alcohol if alcohol may affect someone’s employment or played a role in their previous criminal incident. Probation also usually includes a prohibition on the consumption of controlled substances. Anyone who shows up to a probation meeting while under the influence or who gets arrested for intoxication may face allegations of a probation violation because of their chemical impairment.
Failing to obtain housing or submit to an inspection
Maintaining a stable residence is a standard component of probation. Those on probation need to provide their probation officers with the address where they intend to stay and must provide notice if they need to move for any reason while they are still on probation. Additionally, they may need to submit to an inspection of the premises to ensure it meets certain standards. Those who cannot obtain consistent housing or who refused to grant a state agent access to their residence may have violated the terms of their probation.
Those accused of violating probation may have to go back to criminal court. Understanding the restrictions imposed during probation can help people avoid incarceration and other penalties triggered by oversights or mistakes related to this process.