Are you on probation for a drug offense? Are you going through one of the state’s Drug Courts in order to avoid a serious criminal conviction? If so, you know (or should know) that you’re most likely going to have to submit to drug testing. Usually, drug testing is...
How buying a used car puts you at risk of drug charges
Many people accused of drug offenses get caught with drugs in their purses or their pockets, making it hard for them to defend against the charges they face. However, some people end up accused of drug offenses for simply being in close proximity to contraband or...
What is an automatic expungement?
Did you know that there is an automatic expungement? Some people can benefit from this helpful tool that was introduced in the 2020 Special Session of the Virginia State Crime Commission. An automatic expungement is started by the Commonwealth of Virginia and allows a...
Common ways people accidentally violate probation
Probation can be a challenging aspect of dealing with a criminal conviction. While you have some freedoms, there are several restrictions that you need to remember. The court will often take it very seriously if you violate your probation. Probation violations can...